
Aprojectisapoolofsharedvirtualresources,towhichyoucanassignOpenStackusersandgroups.Youcanconfigurethequotaofsharedvirtualresourcesin ...,OpenStackisaanopensourcecloudoperatingsystemmanagingcompute,storage,andnetworkingresourcesthroughoutadatacenterusingAPIs.,2019年9月9日—Sortoutputbyselectedkeysanddirections(ascordesc)(default:asc),multiplekeysanddirectionscanbespecified–sort[:

Chapter 6. Managing projects Red Hat OpenStack Platform ...

A project is a pool of shared virtual resources, to which you can assign OpenStack users and groups. You can configure the quota of shared virtual resources in ...

Open Source Cloud Computing Platform Software

OpenStack is a an open source cloud operating system managing compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter using APIs.

OpenStack Docs

2019年9月9日 — Sort output by selected keys and directions (asc or desc) (default: asc), multiple keys and directions can be specified –sort <key>[:<direction> ...

OpenStack Project Teams

Here is the list of all official OpenStack project teams, which produce the various deliverables of the OpenStack family (or help other teams achieve that ...


OpenStack is an open source cloud computing infrastructure software project and is one of the three most active open source projects in the world.

Understanding OpenStack

2021年10月3日 — OpenStack is an open source platform that uses pooled virtual resources to build and manage private and public clouds.

What Are The Projects That Make Up OpenStack?

2023年12月6日 — This OpenStack project allows you to access resources without knowing where the storage is actually deployed or on what type of device it's on.

What is an OpenStack project on CREODIAS

OpenStack users can create projects, and create new accounts using the OpenStack Dashboard. They can also associate other users with roles, projects, or both.

www . openstack . org software project

OpenStack is a an open source cloud operating system managing compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter using APIs.